Monday, March 29, 2010

Filling buckets

Alex was the "bucket filler" of the day at school. His name and picture were on the announcements. One of his teachers nominated him. A bucket filler is a student who goes out of their way to be kind, helpful and respectful.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh, Ivan!

Oh, Ivan. Field trip to the bowling alley. Ivan bowled a 104! But, he had a lot more fun pushing the balls back and forth in the ball return.

Oh, Ivan. The perfect outfit for a bonfire in 40 degree weather. A turtleneck, boxers (no underwear), snowboots and a light stick so your parents don't lose track of you.

Alex: Mom, there's blood all over the carpet, is Ivan supposed to be in time out?
Alex: Mom, I think Ivan just lost a tooth.
Ivan: I bit the carpet and my tooth and the blood. Ick, blood.

Oh, Ivan. His tooth wasn't loose. He was sitting on the stairs in time out. He was mad or bored or something so he bit the carpet, his tiny tooth got stuck in a loop and he pulled. He never expressed any pain. The tooth fairy did not come. We decided not to reinforce pulling teeth before they are ready to come out!