Thursday, April 14, 2011

tooth fairy

Ivan had his first "wiggly" tooth last week.   He couldn't wait for it to fall out.  He was really hoping the tooth fairy would bring him a dollar.  Aunt Susie took us to the Dollar Store.  He picked out a smiley face balloon and gave the clerk his gold coin.  Within the hour he rolled down the car window and said goodbye to the balloon. 
He also has 5 new teeth coming through; all 4 of his six year molars and one to fill the gap of the carpet tooth.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


YMCA Spring Basketball
The boys had picture day Saturday.  Because we have a gazillion team pictures already, I've learned to start taking my own camera and sweet talk the official camera man into letting me take some shots.  
The boys won Saturday's game.  They made 27 baskets in the first half!  We all stopped keeping score in the second half.  We are assuming that they scored well over 100 points.  Not bad for a bunch of 9 year olds!
The best part was that both teams showed great sportsmanship; no show-boating and no giving up!
 Brock, Rylan, Tommy and Alex
 Alex, Justin, Tommy, Jake, Coach, Rylan, Brock and John
John, Brock, Rylan, Jake, Tommy and Alex

Monday, April 4, 2011

busy weekend

*A first and a wonderful surprise*
For several years we've been working (begging, coaxing, encouraging) with him to draw a simple face.  He has always struggled and quickly given up.
Saturday morning Ivan grabbed his magna doodle and drew a person with "curly hair". 

 He said it is a picture of me.  Hmmmm.
 Special Olympics for Young Athletes
Baseball is his favorite. 
 Alex is great at encouraging the kids. He wants to be their coach when they are old enough to start competing.
Ivan was disappointed; he wanted to roll the hula hoops.  
Alex demonstrating the hopping hurdles.