Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Entertainer

"Hey, you got a arrow in your butt!" (Shrek)
Spoken as loud as possible while walking through a crowded restaurant.

"...some mystery.  Girls want a little romance in their life." (Shrek)

"When I grow up, I gonna be a balloon maker.  The guy that puts the air to make the balloons go up.  With my mouth, not the machine, that's too loud!"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Just like Alex
Hoping it will motivate him to keep them on rather than use them as a weapon!
The glasses are specifically for his ptosis (droopy eye) and strabismus (lazy eye).  He does have a small amount of far-sighted correction.  
As always, we are trying to stay a few steps ahead of him.
I'm also thinking we are in need of some super glue and duct tape.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

no more double

Yesterday Alex had eye surgery to correct the strabismus.
He has worn glasses, swim goggles, sport goggles and patches since he was 18 months old in the hopes that the muscles would tighten on their own.  He hasn't complained once.  He loves his glasses and only takes them off to shower and sleep. 
So far, his surgery was a success.  He isn't seeing double anymore and he is having only small amounts of drainage.  Alex said he wished it was Halloween so he could be a zombie!  Dr. Grin said he can resume all activities today.  He is considering playing in his baseball game tonight...
Speaking of baseball-
Alex got the honor of being the starting pitcher of his team's first kid-pitch game.  Our boy struck out 5 batters in two innings.  Not bad!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Great Wolf Lodge

If you aren't supposed to pick your own nose, is it okay to pick someone else's?

 MagiQuest... must. beat. the. dragon.
 water slides
magic wands
pool basketball
arcade games
all-you-can-eat ribs
Thanks Aunt Susie, Uncle James, Emily and Nate!  You are the best!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


 Ivan blew out the candles on his volcano cake at the neighborhood pool.
Nana, Grandma, Grandpa, Em, Nate, Uncle James and Aunt Susie all celebrated with Ivan at the pool with pizza and cake.

He started the day opening presents.  He got a huge teddy bear for his cave. He quickly named  it "Ivan Bear".
Lots of trucks to add to his collection: a tow truck, 2 ambulances and a helicopter. 
He got a plasma car and a ladybug that lights up his bedroom with stars on the wall.  He named the ladybug "turtle Isaac". 

Oops, one picture too many!
Ahhh, that's better!
Alex, Ivan, Nate and Emily went to Jumping Jacks to bounce and slide.
 Nothing better than celebrating your birthday with cousins.
Happy birthday sweet bear.  I three you to the moon and back...PIE!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


 Alex is ten!
Rylan, Trayden, Brock, Alex, Dominic and Tommy
We went to 68 Sports to play...

 King of the mat
 dodgeball, kickball, kick field goals and everything else sports and boys!

 Party favors were peanuts, Cracker Jacks, Big League Chew, sunflower seeds and baseball cards.
Seems like he got money from almost everyone.  He bought an iTouch so he can have his music, text, email and play games.  Double digits.  Can't believe how fast he is growing up!
Happy Birthday, I three you!